I'm a developer!
Published on November 29, 2007 By iQix In WinCustomize Talk

Hello group,

I am programming a DockLet for network activity to replace the double computers in XP that blink red while inward/outward traffic takes place.

Now, I am pretty good at programming but lack skills in the graphic editing capabilities.

I require a DockIcon to represent net activity. Animation on this activity can be color changes such as XP uses now and will be accomplished by overlaying a mask on top of the original icon. One idea I was thinking of was having two Alien Computer cases, linked together with a cord and animating the grills in front from black to red.

Now, I have seen these type of icons here, I do not believe it is right to use other artist's creations. Are there any artists here who can make me a set to use. Rough images are ok to start with as I am far from code completion. Final art will be used when complete.

If this project works the artist's name will be included, of course, along with mine on release. When complete I will upload to WinCustomize. I am using the ObjectDock SDK if this makes a difference.

- Main Icon (256x256)
- overlay with (for example) Alien grills off for 1st computer (Just the grills)
- overlay with Alien grills off for 2st computer
- overlay with Alien grills on for 1st computer
- overlay with Alien grills on for 2st computer

An Alien Computer is only an idea. You artists will most likely have much better thoughts on this.

I any account, I do not know what to expect in responce to this and will wait to see what transpires from this post. In the event that nothing good comes from this, I will make programmer graphics.


on Nov 29, 2007
In the event that nothing good comes from this, I will make programmer graphics.
NOOOOOO!!!!  Anythign but that!
on Nov 29, 2007
Well, with all the replies, I will modify someones icon for personal testing and worry about that in the end. I could learn how to use the graphical tools I have but I was trying to stay away from it. There are so many good graphic designers here and they would only have to rework an existing one.

Or, like the referal I have on this message, go external to better hunting grounds, Google.

on Nov 29, 2007
Try this thread.....WWW Link it's just what you're looking for.
on Nov 29, 2007
Thanks Lantec. Left a message in the thread.

Ignore request. Problem solved.
on Jun 12, 2008
iQix, Did you continue developing this Docklet? As you mentioned, I was able to download it, but it will not work anymore.